Monday, December 15, 2008

Amber Chia Nude!

I was surprised (hmm... or excited?) when I saw this on Sinchew Jit Poh website!

Amber Chia, one of the top models from Malaysia decided to pose nude for the photo shoot of calendar album named "Sealed".

Maybe Amber Chia deserved a nomination of Datukship for her sacrifice for arts.

The profit from the sales of the album will be donated for charity, and with this calendar album, Amber hopes to raise the public consciousness against breast cancer.

That reminds me the same kind of photo shoot two years ago by three celebrities from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The photo shoot was presented by 吴君如,蒋勤勤,伊能静 on year 2006. The objective was the same, to raise public consciousness against cancer diseases.

But...... what is nudity going to do with cancer ar?

Will these posters remind the ladies to do their medical check-up when they see it?

Or maybe they'll feel jealous and envy when they look at the 34-26-36 body figure of these artists. Especially someone like her...

End of the day, maybe more men will look at the poster than women. Especially them...

Perhaps, the purpose of these posters is to get the guys to remind their partners for medical check-up after seeing it?

But I doubt how many of them will do that?

Instead of that, maybe they will just start googling for Amber Chia's image immediately after reading Sinchew Jit Poh...

Guys, are you doing that now?

1 comment:

  1. well as usual Far Hee ... will google first then forget to remind Cammy to go for check up



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